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Our Promise

We are passionate about your experience on our website and the content we provide here. Selecting a hotel can be daunting, and we strive to make that process a little easier by painting a true picture of what we are about. From the pictures of our staff to the blog posts written by them, what you see here is genuinely who we are.

If you are shopping around and see a different offer for The Lenox on another site, let us know and we will make it right. We would be honored to be your home in Boston!

reservations@lenoxhotel.com | 800.225.7676

Boston: A Global Leader in the Healthcare Industry

Boston is a city known for many things. Education, history, cutting edge tech, and healthcare! We are lucky to have some of the most world-renowned healthcare institutions in the Hub. And while it might not always be under the best of circumstances that you need to visit our area hospitals, we only hope that your stay in the city is a stress-free as possible. So here are some details and information to make your visit more hospitable!


What and Where: A large campus with hospitals and research institutions located between the Fenway and Mission Hill neighborhoods.

•  Brigham & Women’s Hospital
•  Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
•  Boston Children’s Hospital
•  Dana Farber Cancer Institute
•  Joslin Diabetes Center
•  New England Baptist

How to get there: Longwood is just about 2 miles up Huntington Ave from The Lenox. If driving please see our friendly door staff to point you in the right direction. There are a few parking garages in the area including the Longwood Galleria.  The campus is also a short T (our subway system) ride away on the Green Line.


What and Where: The Boston University Medical Campus sits next to the Boston Medical Center in Boston’s South End neighborhood.

•  Boston Medical Center

How to get there: About a mile and a half away, the Boston Medical Center can be found on Mass Ave in the South End of Boston. Parking at the hospital can be found here.


What and Where: A world-renowned hospital in Boston’s West End neighborhood.

•  Mass General Hospital (now known as Mass General Brigham)
•  Mass Eye & Ear

How to get there: MGH is an easy drive from The Lenox and you can find more visitor information on parking here.

As always, if you have any questions or need help arranging transportation please call or email info@lenoxhotel.com