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reservations@lenoxhotel.com | 800.225.7676

Real Weddings
Alex & Bart

Real Weddings
Alex & Bart

Alex and Bart were married at The Lenox on a sunny Fall day, Saturday October 13, 2018. Now that Alex has had some time to reflect, she has shared the most memorable moments of their big day with us!

How Did You Meet

We met in college at Wake Forest University through the marching band.

Why Did You Choose The Lenox Hotel For Your Wedding?

We had been wedding venue searching at a variety of establishments for a few months across New England. One day we came in for a glass of champagne at City Table and Taylor happened to be available to show us the space. We fell in love with the Dome Room and the idea of celebrating with our friends and family right here in downtown Boston!

What Was Your Favorite Or Some Of Your Favorite Moments Of Your Big Day? (Saturday October 13, 2018)

The day was so full of love and went by so quickly – it’s tough to pick just one memory! Taking photos on the roof was certainly a memorable experience, as was our awesome wedding band getting the entire group up for “Uptown Funk” along with the speeches made by our closest friends and family at the start of the reception.

Any Advice for Other Couples During the Planning Process or Wedding Weekend?

I think that we found the most important thing to remember is that the wedding is supposed to be fun. Yes, there are a lot of details and a lot of opinions, but if you two can remember that the party’s all about celebrating you and the bond you both have – you’re bound to have a wonderful day.

Style Guide

Photographer: Channing Johnson Photography
Hair + Makeup: Kacie Corbelle
Dress: L’elite Bridal
Rentals: Peak Event Services
Band: Closing Time
Florist: Boston Pollen
Post Wedding Brunch Venue: Sólás
Dessert: Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Sundae Bar