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Our Promise

We are passionate about your experience on our website and the content we provide here. Selecting a hotel can be daunting, and we strive to make that process a little easier by painting a true picture of what we are about. From the pictures of our staff to the blog posts written by them, what you see here is genuinely who we are.

If you are shopping around and see a different offer for The Lenox on another site, let us know and we will make it right. We would be honored to be your home in Boston!

reservations@lenoxhotel.com | 800.225.7676

Real Weddings
Sarah & Philipp

Real Weddings
Sarah & Philipp

Sarah and Philipp got married at The Lenox on Saturday August 27, 2016. Now that Sarah has had some time to reflect, she has shared all the most memorable moments of their big day with us!

The Bride & Groom

Philipp and I met during our undergrad at Boston University. Little did we know, we had actually met each other the previous year, but did not officially get acquainted until a mutual friend made the introduction.

Why The Lenox for Your Wedding?

We chose The Lenox for our wedding venue because we fell in love with the beauty and charm of the hotel. There wasn’t another location that had the same historic, classic and boutique hotel feel. We knew when we stepped into the foyer and Dome Room that there wasn’t a doubt we wanted to host our wedding reception at The Lenox.

Favorite Moments From Your Wedding Day? (Saturday August 27, 2016)

One of the most memorable moments was the entrance into our reception following our happy hour. Everything had gone smoothly and we weren’t worried about anything! The smiles on everyone’s faces as we entered the room and transitioned into our first dance was an incredible memory, as we were surrounded by all of our loved ones.

Style Guide

Photographer: Alex plus Betty (hello@alexplusbetty.com)
Florist: Tricia Blanchard
Entertainment: Ron Furr with Entertainment Specialists
Ceremony Venue: Old South Church
Hair & Makeup: TEAL Hair & Makeup Studio