Our online booking system is currently down. Should you have any reservations needs, please email us (reservations@lenoxhotel.com) or call us at 617-536-5300. We apologize for any inconvenience!×

Our Promise

We are passionate about your experience on our website and the content we provide here. Selecting a hotel can be daunting, and we strive to make that process a little easier by painting a true picture of what we are about. From the pictures of our staff to the blog posts written by them, what you see here is genuinely who we are.

If you are shopping around and see a different offer for The Lenox on another site, let us know and we will make it right. We would be honored to be your home in Boston!

reservations@lenoxhotel.com | 800.225.7676

Winter in Boston

While it might be a bit chilly in the winter in Boston, that doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of things to do while you’re here! From sipping decadent hot chocolate after a brisk day of ice skating on the Frog Pond to seeing a world-renowned band at the House of Blues, there’s something for everyone. To top it all off, nothing beats ending your night in one of our corner rooms with a real wood-burning fireplace!

Back Bay's Best Hot Chocolate

Well, the cold snap of New England winter is bearing down upon us, so what better time to talk about decadent hot chocolate? The good news is that a simple cup of hot cocoa can magically warm you right up on even the most brisk of Boston winter days. Check out our list of the best hot chocolate in Boston’s Back Bay near The Lenox Hotel.
