
Our Promise

We are passionate about your experience on our website and the content we provide here. Selecting a hotel can be daunting, and we strive to make that process a little easier by painting a true picture of what we are about. From the pictures of our staff to the blog posts written by them, what you see here is genuinely who we are.

If you are shopping around and see a different offer for The Lenox on another site, let us know and we will make it right. We would be honored to be your home in Boston! | 800.225.7676

Parnon Estates Olive Oil

Parnon Estates Olive Oil

Situated in the Southern Peloponnese Region of Greece lies an expansive olive grove that has been in Helen Kandaras’ family for generations. Her ancestors began the tradition of cultivating these olive groves and bringing the taste of Parnon Estates Olive Oil to life.

As the new generation of Parnon Estates, Helen and her family have dedicated themselves to delivering a Greek olive oil derived from the careful selection of their historic family olive groves, bringing the oil to the States for the first time.

Through daily visits to the groves, and regular pruning and maintenance, the trees are monitored to ensure a bountiful and rich harvest. They don’t use any chemical pesticides or artificial irrigation – the olives are all natural and rain-fed.

The olives are of the Koroneiki variety, and are grown in mineral rich mountain-side soil with constant exposure to sunlight and a high altitude. The organic olives are then cold-pressed immediately after harvesting to retain the optimal taste and nutrients. After the olives are harvested, pressed, and packaged, they are shipped to Belmont, MA where they are labeled and prepared for distribution to local restaurants, gourmet markets and our very own Lenox Mercantile here.

Also be sure to check out this beautiful video of a harvest day at their family olive grove:

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